Angular 17 and 18 New Features

When newer versions of Angular are released, their enhanced features may make it necessary to upgrade existing versions or migrate from the previous version of the platform to the latest. In this course, explore the features of Angular 17 and 18 that have been updated or added from Angular 16, such as standalone components, control flow directives, signals, and zoneless change detection. Next, learn how to migrate from Angular version 16 to 17 using the Angular update guide for instructions. Finally, examine the CLI command ng update and utilize that command in a simple project. By the end of this course, you will be able to recognize why and how you should update older versions of Angular to later versions.


Angular 17 and 18 New Features

  • identify new ways of accomplishing old tasks with Angular 17
  • choose a different method to build components
  • achieve DOM manipulation with control flow directives
  • outline how to build more responsive apps with server-side rendering (SSR) and hydration
  • react to data changes with signals
  • move an Angular 16 app to Angular 17
  • recognize the new features of Angular 18
  • describe how to remove the need for the Zone.js library in Angular apps

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