REST Assured Configuration: Error Handling & Fault Injection in API Tests

Transient errors and fault injection are crucial concepts in enhancing software resilience, particularly in distributed and cloud-based systems where network unreliability can introduce sporadic failures. In this course, you will focus on enhancing your application programming interface (API) testing skills with Java RestAssured, starting with the core aspect of request and response logging. You will learn how detailed logging is essential for understanding the interactions between your tests and APIs, aiding in debugging and ensuring API behavior aligns with expectations. Next, you will tackle the challenges posed by transient errors in API testing, learning strategies for retrying test cases to enhance the reliability and stability of your test suite. Then you will explore solutions like custom retry logic and the use of libraries like Awaitility for handling asynchronous operations more elegantly. Finally, you will investigate advanced testing techniques using the Envoy Proxy for fault injection, enabling you to simulate various failure conditions and assess an API's robustness and error-handling capabilities.


REST Assured Configuration: Error Handling & Fault Injection in API Tests

  • describe error handling and fault injection
  • log data related to requests
  • log data related to responses
  • describe how transient errors work
  • retry tests with custom code
  • handle transient errors with Awaitility
  • set up the Envoy proxy server for fault injection
  • make requests to the Envoy proxy server
  • perform fault injection with the Envoy proxy server

  • it_stracndj_04_enus