Design & Integration Strategies: Collaborative System Design

In today’s interconnected world, collaborative system design is an important approach to crafting responsive, outcome-driven systems. It engages all stakeholders in defining system components and functionality, ensuring a holistic approach to problem-solving and innovation. In this course, you will take a deep dive into collaborative system design, including its advantages, various approaches and methodologies, challenges and limitations, and tools and techniques for facilitating collaboration in system design. Then you will find out how to use Google Meet to create meetings and encourage collaboration. Next, you will learn how to evaluate and document a collaborative system design session. Finally, you will explore stakeholder feedback in order to make collaborative system design decisions and to improve an existing system.


Design & Integration Strategies: Collaborative System Design

  • provide an overview of collaborative system design and its benefits
  • identify various approaches and methodologies for collaborative system design
  • analyze the challenges and limitations of collaborative system design in different contexts
  • evaluate the effectiveness of different tools and techniques for facilitating collaboration in system design
  • create a Google meeting to facilitate team collaboration
  • use Notion to create a teamspace for collaborating and documenting the outcome of a collaborative system design session
  • create a collaborative system design plan for a given scenario
  • synthesize feedback and input from different stakeholders
  • use feedback and input from different stakeholders to make collaborative system design decisions
  • apply principles of collaborative system design to improve an existing system
  • study a successful collaborative system design project and analyze the factors that contributed to its success

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