Introducing Selenium & Locators: Working with Locators in Selenium

Selenium WebDriver is a powerful tool in the Selenium suite that enables automation of web applications for testing purposes by directly interacting with browsers. In this course, you will set up a Java project specifically configured to run Selenium tests. You will run your first Selenium test to gain insights into the setup and execution processes, learn to configure drivers manually, adjust browser options, and establish a basic test framework. Additionally, you will discover how to navigate web pages using the Selenium WebDriver. Next, you will understand the importance of locators in Selenium, essential for identifying elements on a webpage. You will learn to interact with web elements using class names and identifiers, locate multiple elements, and search subsets of the Document Object Model (DOM). You will also be introduced to advanced locators using cascading style sheet (CSS) selectors, XPath, and text links, along with relative locators for defining element relationships. Finally, you will explore advanced user interactions with the Selenium Actions application programming interface (API). You will learn to automate button clicks, perform hover and drag-and-drop actions, and execute keyboard operations.


Introducing Selenium & Locators: Working with Locators in Selenium

  • set up an Apache Maven project to run automated Selenium tests in Java
  • configure a Selenium test
  • configure browser drivers manually
  • configure browser options to manage browser behavior
  • set up a basic test framework with reusable code
  • use the navigation objects in Selenium WebDriver
  • work with ID locators
  • use driver methods to interact with web elements
  • locate web elements using the class attribute
  • locate multiple web elements and query a subset of the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • use cascading style sheet (CSS) selectors to locate ID, tag name, and class elements
  • use XPath, link text, and partial link test to locate elements
  • use relative locators to access elements based on other elements
  • use actions for more complex mouse interactions
  • perform hover and drag-drop using actions
  • perform keyboard actions and text manipulation
  • interact with radio buttons and checkboxes using clicks

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