Fundamentals of Apache Maven for Java Developers

Apache Maven is a comprehensive project management and build automation tool primarily used for Java projects, facilitating dependency management, project build standardization, and plugin integration. It emphasizes a convention-over-configuration approach, streamlining the development process by adhering to predefined project structures and configurations for efficient and consistent builds. In this course, you will be introduced to Apache Maven. You will first install Apache Maven on both Windows and macOS. Through hands-on activities, you will learn to set up your first Maven project, understand its directory layout, and appreciate the significance of the pom.xml file in project configuration. Next, you will explore the core aspects of Maven, including compiling and running projects, utilizing the .m2 local Maven cache, and embracing Maven’s "convention over configuration" philosophy. You will configure your projects using the pom.xml, explore project documentation through site generation, and ensure your builds are compatible and consistent by specifying encodings and JDK versions. Finally, you will tackle the intricacies of managing project dependencies. This includes understanding and implementing dependency versions and scopes, as well as resolving conflicts between multiple versions of the same dependency.


Fundamentals of Apache Maven for Java Developers

  • recall how Apache Maven can be used for project and dependency management
  • install Apache Maven on macOS and Windows machines
  • manually set up the directory structure for the first Maven project
  • run Maven commands on the command line to compile and execute a project
  • explore the contents of the local Maven repository
  • recall Project Object Model (POM) inheritance and the super POM and view the effective POM in IntelliJ
  • configure project details and generate a project website using Maven
  • specify project encodings and JDK version to ensure consistent builds across platforms
  • specify libraries as dependencies for your project
  • configure different dependency versions and learn how Maven includes transitive dependencies
  • recall the meaning of different artifact versions such as snapshots, releases, and milestones
  • outline how dependency scopes can be used to specify when a dependency is available in a build life cycle
  • use Apache Maven to deal with conflicts in the project dependencies

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