Global Safety Principles: Fall Prevention

Falls from heights are one of the leading causes of serious injuries and death in the workplace. In this course, you'll learn what types of jobs and tasks can expose you to injury. You'll be introduced to the basic responsibilities of employees who work at height, and to the requirements and responsibilities of employers and those who control the work of others to prevent falls in the workplace.

This course was developed with subject matter support provided by New Level Safety Limited, a professional services company specializing in corporate health and safety management. Please note, the course materials and content were current with the laws and regulations at the time of the last expert review, however, they may not reflect the most current legal developments. Nothing herein, or in the course materials, shall be construed as professional advice as to any particular situation with respect to compliance with legal statutes or requirements.

Employees, employers, the self-employed, and anyone involved with work at height


Global Safety Principles: Fall Prevention

  • recognize basic employee responsibilities for working safely at height
  • recognize risk control levels employers can implement for working safely at height
  • identify employer responsibilities for planning to work at height and for training employees to reduce the risks associated with working at height
  • identify employer responsibilities when selecting and inspecting safety equipment to prevent falls
  • identify employer responsibilities in controlling environmental risks associated with working at height

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