installer.version=6.8.601 # Installer properties DEBUG=true GENERATE_ONLY_ERROR_LOG=true SP6_CONTENT_FILE=sp6content.xml SP8_CONTENT_FILE=sp8content.xml SKILLSOFT_CONTENT_FILE=skillsoftcontent.xml CURRICULUMINFO_FILE=curriculuminfo.xml GENERATE_SPCSF_FILES=false #When adding a path to the Courses Directory please 'double escape' #the backslashes, eg: C:\\Skillsoft\\ instead of C:\Skillsoft\ COURSES_DIRECTORY=courses AVAILABLE_VERSIONS_FILE=available_versions.xml # e3 Player AICC course structure file values mastery_score_e3=70 # Classic Player AICC course structure file values mastery_score_classic=70 # Legacy IT Player AICC course structure file values ITPLAYER_AU_MASTERY_SCORE=100 ITPLAYER_AU_SINGLE_AU=false # Values for generating AICC files for Business and Sim players and AICC_TPLMS files for NLS and KNet # Currently only AICC Versions 2.2 and 3.5 are supported. If version is set to anything but 3.5, version 2.2 will be used AICCFILEGEN_AICC_VERSION=2.2 AICCFILEGEN_COURSE_LEVEL_AU=true AICCFILEGEN_OUTPUT_ENCODING=UTF-8 AICCFILEGEN_OUTPUT_BOM=false #The alternate output dir is usually set through the installer UI but could be set here if necessary #ALTERNATE_AICC_OUTPUT_DIR=D:\\AICC # Values for aicc file generation (mirror of values in file) #The minimum score necessary to pass a lesson mastery_score=100 #These are AICC ver 1.4 restrictions on the number of bytes in textual descriptions, #if version changes these too should change max_len_crs_description=4096 max_len_des_description=255 max_len_des_description_v3=4096 #Option to generate topic objective instead of lesson objectives in the .des file AICC_TOPIC_OBJECTIVES=false # Values for generating SCORM metadata files (mirror of values in file) META_DATA_GENERATOR_VERSION=1.0 CATALOG_TITLE=SkillSoft Course Curricula SS_COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE=Copyright SkillSoft Corporation 2004 LOM_AGGREGATION_LEVEL=3 META_DATA_LANG=en-US COURSE_FORMAT=text/html LAUNCH_PAGE=A1.htm # Values for Generating SCORM manifest files MANIFEST_VERSION=1.1 SCORM_VERSION=1.2 SCORM_LAUNCH_PAGE=B.htm GeneratePifFiles=false # If IncludePlayerInPifFiles is false, Navy-style playerless PIFs will be created #IncludePlayerInPifFiles=true # If PifDirectory is defined, it must be the full path to the directory where # the PIF files will be installed #PifDirectory=C:/SkillSoft/Web/PIF # If IMSMANIFEST_PATH_PREFIX is defined, it will be prefixed to all hrefs # in imsmanifest.xml #IMSMANIFEST_PATH_PREFIX = # If PifSuffix is defined, it is the string that is suffixed to the course ID # to make the name of the PIF file # If ManifestIsMultiSCO is true, the SCORM imsmanifest file will contain multiple SCOs # for content types which support this (currently CCA content only) ManifestIsMultiSCO=false # These properties control where the course metadata is included in the imsmanifest # The default is to only include metadata in the resource element MetadataInManifest=false MetadataInOrganization=false MetadataInItem=false MetadataInResource=true #This chooses whether to generate SCORM2004 data compliant with the 4th edition of the SCORM test suite. SCORM2004_4thEdition=true #SCP processing relative path to content RELATIVE_PATH_FROM_SCP_TO_E3=.. #display option to process e3 courses DISPLAY_E3_SCP_UPGRADE_OPTION=true #display option to process LOT courses DISPLAY_LOT_SCP_UPGRADE_OPTION=true # Enable Multiple Player Version install mode ENABLE_MULTIPLE_PLAYER_VERSION_MODE=false #Generate Summary pages for newly installed content only GENERATE_NEW_SUMMARY_PAGES_ONLY=false #Option to upgrade content that played with the E3 player to play with SCP DISPLAY_SCP_UPGRADE_OPTION=false #Option to generate Summary Pages only for the courses in this directory GENERATE_COURSE_DIR_SUMMARY_PAGES_ONLY=false #Default for Option to generate A pages only GENERATE_A_PAGES_DEFAULT=true #Option to force the parameter String for TestPrep to uppercase FORCE_TP_PARAMETER_STRING_TO_UPPERCASE=false #Option to run dioagnostic checks to see if CI is deleting SSm files RUN_SSM_CHECK=false #Options to turn off the default installation of some default modules INSTALL_HELP_FILES=true INSTALL_RESOURCES=true INSTALL_UTILITIES=true ENABLE_SR_CONFIGURATION=true #Option to use CCA objective description as title USE_CCA_OBJ_DESC_FOR_TITLE=false #THE FOLLOWING OPTION APPLIES TO THE COMMAND LINE INSTALLER ONLY! #Temporary option to force install of all locales in the Command Line Installer. #This will be removed when the Publisher application is updated to use the 'all' option #in the InstallerResponse.txt. #Note: This should only be used were the Installer is run from Publisher. #In all other cases, the option in the InstallerResponse.txt should be used. PUBLISHER_OVERRIDE_INSTALL_ALL_LOCALES=false IS_PUBLISHER_MODE=false GENERATE_PERFORMANCE_LOG=false GENERATE_UDL=false UNZIP_COURSE_MEDIA_NEW_STYLE=true