
Access the learning aid Financial Fraudsters to read about some employees who carry out financial and accounting-related tasks.

Select the employees who might be at risk of financial fraud charges.


  1. Deborah
  2. Alfie
  3. Anita
  4. Conrad
  5. Leah


Deborah is engaging in fraud when she misappropriates her company’s money to cover her debt. Because she intends to pay it back at some point, she may feel that what she is doing is acceptable, but she is stealing money from her employer.

Alfie faces a charge of fraud for stealing property from his organization. However laudable he feels it is to provide textbooks cheaply, he is benefiting from property that doesn’t belong to him.

Anita’s company told her that she could expense all of her moving costs. They didn’t specify a particular mode of transport, so she is entitled to fly while her belongings are transported by truck.

Even though Conrad himself did not engage in fraud, his actions made it possible for his assistant to carry out fraudulent activities, which could implicate Conrad in the fraud.

Leah was given the smartwatch outright, and no constraints were placed on what she did with it. She was entitled to sell it if she didn’t want to keep it, so no fraud was committed.

Correct answer(s):

Option 1
Option 2
Option 4