Getting Started with Skillsoft Course Manager (SCM)

Installing the SCM
Downloading Course Content
Updating the SCM
Configuring the SCM to Work with a Proxy Server
Uninstalling the SCM

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Installing the SCM

Installing the Skillsoft Course Manager is optional. You need to install the SCM if you want to download courses onto your workstation and play them while disconnected from the network (offline). If you do not install the SCM, you can play courses on the web server while connected to the network (online).  

To Install the SCM

  1. Select the language of the SCM you wish to install.

    Depending on how the SCM is configured on the server, you may have the option to select from several languages.

  2. Select the Install link on the SCM Installation page.

    Warning: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 7.0 Users: In order to install the SCM, you must either disable Protected Mode or add the domain as a trusted internet site.

    The browser may display a Security Warning asking if you want to install and run "Skillsoft Course Manager." Select the appropriate response to allow the installation to proceed.

  3. If you are prompted, select the appropriate proxy server from the drop-down list.

  4. Select the Show License button.

    The Skillsoft License Agreement opens in a new window. Review the license agreement and close that window when you are finished reviewing it.

  5. Select the Do you agree to all the terms of the preceding license agreement? check box.

Note: You cannot install the SCM unless you agree to the terms of the license agreement.

  1. Choose the location for the SCM installation.

    You can accept the default directory or type in the destination directory for the SCM to be installed. Do not install directly to the root of the drive, such as C:\ or D:\. Specify a folder after the drive letter, such as C:\SCM.

  2. Select the following options as required:

Note: If you have a slow connection or limited disk space, you may want to skip this option.

Note: If this option is not available, the support for Proxy Client Auto Config is automatically installed.

  1. Select Continue

    The SCM Installation begins. The Install Progress field tracks the installation progress. If you have a high speed connection, the installation may take anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes, depending on the options you select to download with the SCM. If you have a dial up connection (28.8Kbps), the installation may take up to 90 minutes if you download the SCM without any players or options, or up to 3 hours if you download the SCM with all players and options.

    When the installation finishes, a completion message displays.

  2. Click OK on the completion message.

    The completion message closes.

  3. Exit and restart your browser.

After installing the SCM

After you install the SCM, you may need to configure the SCM to work with a proxy server before you can play and download course content. You may also see some messages from the SCM when you log in and access content on a web server.

Only one instance of the Course Manager can be running at one time.
This Course Manager will now exit.

Select OK to close the message window.

Downloading Course Content

Note: To download course content, you must first install the SCM. You may also need to configure the SCM to work with a proxy server. Also, if you use an LMS, always sign in to the SCM with the same user ID that you use for your LMS.

  1. Navigate to a Course Summary page.

  2. Select the Download icon.
    The Skillsoft Course Manager application opens and the Download tab displays, showing the collapsed course. You can expand the course to see all of the available course content.

  3. If you do not have the required player software installed on your workstation for this course, the SCM prompts you to install this software component.
    Select Yes to install the software.

  4. Select the course, lesson, or topic titles that you want to download. Note that if you:

    • Highlight a course, the complete course downloads.

    • Highlight a topic, only that topic downloads.

    • Highlight an individual lesson, the lesson and all of the topics subordinate to that lesson download.

  5. Select Download Now.
    The Download Progress bar appears indicating the progress of the course download. This may take several minutes, depending on your connection speed. A dialog box displays when the course content download is complete.

  6. Select OK.
    You can now play the downloaded course from the Play tab. To play the course later, open the SCM and play the course from the Play tab. Refer to the SCM Help for more information.

Updating the SCM

The SCM software on your workstation automatically checks for updated SCM software and prompts you to update your SCM installation when newer software exists on the server. On some sites, you can also select the Update link on the SCM Installation page to check for software updates.

Configuring the SCM to Work with a Proxy Server

There are three methods to configure your proxy configuration:

AutoDetect Proxy Configuration

When you first install the SCM, your proxy configuration is automatically detected and configured to work with Skillport or your LMS. When you select AutoDetect Proxy Configuration, the SCM, when launched, will automatically configure the Proxy Host and the Proxy Port.

To specify AutoDetect Proxy Configuration:

  1. Select the Configure tab.

  2. Under Proxy Configuration, select AutoDectect Proxy Configuration.

  3. Click Save.

Manual Proxy Configuration

You can manually configure your proxy settings in order to specify the proxy host and port for the SCM.

To specify Manual Proxy Configuration:
  1. Click the Configure tab.

  2. Under Proxy Configuration, select Manual Proxy Configuration.

  3. Under Manual Settings, specify the following:

  4. Click Save to accept the changes, or Reset to resume the previously saved settings.


Enter the URL where results data is to be sent.

Note: This field is usually configured automatically during the installation.

Server Root

Enter the URL of the SCM installation on the server where the local SCM should look for newer versions of the SCM.

For example:

Note: This field is usually configured automatically during the installation.

Proxy Config utility

You can also configure the SCM proxy settings using the Proxy Config utility that was installed with the SCM.

  1. On the taskbar, click Start, and select Programs>Skillsoft>Proxy Config.

  2. In the Proxy Configuration dialog box, select a proxy configuration method:

  3. Enter the information required by the method you selected, and click OK.


Uninstalling the SCM

To uninstall the SCM, course content, and course results do the following:

  1. On the taskbar, click Start>All Programs>Skillsoft>Uninstall.

  2. In the Skillsoft SCM Uninstall Program dialog box, select OK.

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