Avoiding Insider Dealing e-learning

Insider dealing is the use of inside information to deal in the securities to which that information relates. Trading on the basis of inside information, or insider dealing, is prohibited by law. All ADNOC Group employees are required to act in compliance with relevant laws when handling inside information. This course presents a common dilemma that you might face when you possess inside information you have inadvertently discovered.

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Insider Dealing - The Memo

  • recognize examples of illegal insider dealing
  • define illegal insider dealing
  • recognize the consequences of illegal insider dealing
  • determine whether a specific scenario constitutes insider dealing, using an understanding of relevant regulations and ethical considerations
  • assess whether an individual's actions, such as purchasing shares based on non-public information, constitute insider dealing
  • evaluate if a disclosure in a public context constitutes unlawful disclosure of inside information
  • recognize the importance of avoiding illegal insider dealing
  • review what you've learned

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